Alma Rosa Jewelry is a curated collection of modern, contemporary jewelry featuring polymer clay, gemstones, pearls, and other fine materials.

Hi, my name is Jodi, and I am the designer behind Alma Rosa jewelry.  My professional background is in Apparel & Product Development, but making jewelry has always been my first love.


I design handcrafted jewelry for women who want to make a personal statement with their accessories. 

Jewelry is a great way to express your own unique sense of style!  I worked in the Apparel industry for many years and jewelry has always been my go-to fashion statement, because I don't have to worry about fit issues when wearing it.  A simple outfit can be transformed with an amazing pair of earrings or a necklace.  My jewelry is a great way to elevate your personal style.

Alma Rosa Jewelry also makes a thoughtful gift for people who truly value the artistry in handmade items.  


All pieces are lovingly created by me in my home studio in Vancouver BC, Canada.  My goal as a designer, is to elevate the perception of polymer clay as a raw material.  With its endless possibilities regarding form, shape, colour and texture, it is the perfect medium for creating jewelry and accessories. 

Currently, my passion for all things tactile has led me to polymer clay as a means of expressing myself. For me, the process of discovery is my motivation when designing. I enjoy experimenting and learning new techniques as I go - and never getting to the end result in a straight line!

Experiments, successes, and failures usually lead me down a meandering path as I work, but over the years I have learned to trust this non-linear process. Sometimes the end results surprise me, and sometimes they leave me frustrated. On occasion the end results are even better than I had hoped for. This process of discovery keeps me engaged and ready to sit down again at the start of each new week.

My hope is for these explorations with jewelry and adornment, to keep me creatively curious for years to come.


All ear wires are hand fabricated to work specifically with polymer clay components.  Gemstones are expertly wire wrapped with gold fill wire.

I work with premium components only.  All earring posts are titanium.  Any gold ear wires, or hoops are 14k gold fill, not gold plated. Gold Filled is a process that involves pressure bonding multiple layers of solid 14K gold with extreme heat, over a core of high quality jeweler's brass.  This results in a durable, 14K gold product.  For more detailed info check out my Blog post titled "What is Gold Filled?".


For me, aligning my interests with my purpose is one of the reasons I started this creative endeavor.  Being able to give back and be of service to others is part of my reason for creating Alma Rosa Jewelry.  Empowering women through Craft is something I am truly passionate about.  A portion of the profits from this business will be donated to Fundacion Envia.  This non-profit organization in Oaxaca Mexico provides micro loans to women run business to help them to better support their families.  Oaxaca is a region with a rich history of artists and crafts people.  I was lucky to have studied metalsmithing for one year, in Oaxaca in 2001 and the experience was a life changing one for me.  A piece of my heart is placed firmly in the soil of this beautiful region.  This may also have something to do with the fact that I met and married my husband while living there!


I'm most active on Instagram.  It's where you will find me sharing process photos of what's going on behind the scenes, and new pieces I'm working on.  Please follow along @alma.rosa.jewelry


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